Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Revolve Press Release

Here is the video of Revolve in action.


Revolve takes sound interaction and musical creativity to a new level of simplicity, you simply punch holes into a sheet of paper to create your own personally made 8 bit tunes. The idea is simple, you have a wind up motor which spins a central point on a turntable. Along this turntable you have multiple LDR’s all programmed to produce different pitches of sound depending on which LDR’s are visible and which are covered. You take your piece of paper and punch holes according to which pitch of note you would like to play then attach it to the turntable simply by putting a magnet in the centre of the paper, which attaches to the central point which is spinning.
The idea for Revolve started by having lots of LDR’s which would all have an individual pitch of note. We then looked into record players and gramophones and thought it would be good if we could somehow incorporate the two ideas into one. Rather than covering the LDR’s with your finger to make them play we used disk’s of paper (which came from the idea of vinyl’s spinning) then by punching holes in the paper, when these holes are over the LDR the resistance changes which we used to trigger a beat.

Final Finished Product Images

Final working product images.  Fairly happy with it.  Looking pretty good.  It's been a long hard slog.

Revolve in action

1ST Test.  Working!!!!  YAAAAASSSSS!!!



Getting the electronics inside

Struggling to get all the electronics inside.  ARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Friday, April 22, 2011

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Friday, April 8, 2011

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Well Clamped

With both pieces clamped and gluing.............Thats me finished for another day.

A few holes later...

....and the motor is on.

Motoring on...

The Motor will sit underneath the electronics inside the milled out cylander. 

Milling away

A Better close up view of the milling machine at work.

Gettin jiggy with it!!

Made a jig for the "Cake Tin" to sit in so I can rotate it on the milling machine to hollow it out.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Pressing on with the build.

Laminating the curve shapes together to get the top piece constructed.

Engineering Foam "cake tin" will house the electronics.