Thursday, February 24, 2011


Really smart website with loads of weird materials and gadgets. Might
come in handy for this semesters project

Backup Box

Similar idea as before but rather than remember events through picture form you can view every post you have ever posted on a social networking site such as twitter.

microsoft research – timecard

Pretty smart idea. Really like it cos its a simple way to see what people did with their life and the main events that’s occurred. Easy to update and edit

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Getting there…

It’s been well over a week now since we were shown picaxe and now we are both started to get to grips with how do use it..
So far we have managed a circuit using LED’s, a circuit using  LDR’s to control whether the LED’s light or not, and a few different codes for using a speaker in our circuit.
So far so good!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Yesterday we finally got started with learning how to use picaxe to program things.
We managed to mess about with LED’s and make some sequences with them. From this we played about with adding in variable resistors and LDR’s.
All in all we took a lot from it.